Yes! Thought your name looked familiar. I read your "Night" post. Very moody writing, Daniel. You get some powerful results with a mere handful of words. I like it very much. Are you going to keep expanding?

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Thanks very much, Ken. I really appreciate the kind feedback 🙏

I think so. The idea of a host fighting the creature within has got me intrigued. Not sure who he is or where he’s going, but we’ll get there 😁

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Those are the best stories, usually. Looking forward to what's next!

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Jun 12Liked by Daniel O’Donnell

Delicious stuff, Dan.

"This glutinous demon..." there's something rather special about that line.

"The priest was meant to help." Ahh, says it all. Poor priest.

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Thanks very much, Nathan 🙏

Yes, this poor soul is struggling and is in for an even bigger shock next week 😱

But, don’t worry, he has a plan! 😁

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Jun 11Liked by Daniel O’Donnell

Wonderful micros and I love that the prompts are from the dealer.

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Thanks very much Hanna 🙏

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Jun 10Liked by Daniel O’Donnell

I love "glutinous demon", very evocative. Beautifully written.

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Thanks very much, Alan 🙏

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Jun 10Liked by Daniel O’Donnell

gruesome and atmospheric. These conjured up the excellent T.V. show Midnight Mass for me. Which I loved.

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Thanks very much, Jessica 🙏

That’s high praise indeed. Midnight Mass is one of my favourite shows and certainly Mike Flanagan’s best horror series. It really does have a great atmosphere and mixes the scares with philosophical debate. Not to mention it’s got Neil Diamond on the soundtrack which makes it even better! 😁

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Jun 10Liked by Daniel O’Donnell

It was such a dark delight

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Jun 10Liked by Daniel O’Donnell

Ouch, gruesome. I love them. Thank you for joining in Dan!

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Thanks very much Miguel 🙏

Glad to get involved 👍🏼

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