Jun 8Liked by Daniel O’Donnell

Commenting before I finished reading, but your opening was so great and it got me thinking.

Imagine if a film had a tagline: "Made for a future audience" or even "You won't like this, but you're kids are gonna love it..." 😄

PS whilst I also remember re: The Thing, not sure if you saw but they've just announced a remaster of the game. I didn't even know there was a game, but here's the trailer: https://www.gog.com/en/game/the_thing_remastered

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Thanks Nathan. Yeah, it’s an expression that drives me nuts and is clearly meant to be derogatory but just hasn’t been thought through. Good use of the line from Back to the Future by the way 😁. Sums it up perfectly

I did know there was a game for The Thing and I’ve always meant to buy it as my son is also a huge fan of the movie so at least I’d have someone to play it with 😁. This gives me the perfect excuse!

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Jun 8Liked by Daniel O’Donnell

Figured you’d get the quote from BttF immediately ;)

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Remaster of The Thing! Oh my... tempting.

I can also recommend the 1951 movie which John based his on. And speaking of fall guys, the fire scene (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjuLZwlDxh8&t=40s) was completely nuts, esp. for the time!

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Jun 8Liked by Daniel O’Donnell

Whoah! Intense.

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I will not watch The Gentlemen. Thank you very much. I like to keep my brain where it is. :D

I did watch The Fall Guy, and yes I have also watched the show back then, sang the theme song, very catchy, and the film is a blast.

Now here’s what I wonder. Do people who like “The Gentlemen” dislike “The Fall Guy” and vice versa?

Great to sneak in a The Thing reference, too! I request this to happen in all posts going forward. 😅

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Thanks Alexander. Glad you liked The Fall Guy 👍🏼

That’s a good question 😁. Maybe 🤔

I’m still getting told by people how much they enjoy The Gentlemen so it could just be me, but I really don’t think so

I do try mentioning The Thing as often as I can. Every article might be a stretch but I’ll give it a go 😁

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Hehehe, the thing is... it needs to happen. 😅

As for audience preference, or taste, well, it's the same with books. Some love Dune, some love Tolkien... ;)

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Jun 8Liked by Daniel O’Donnell

OK, finished. Fantastic. Once again you save me a watch in the former and nudge me to wanting to watch the latter. I'd written off any interest in The Fall Guy based on the poster/thumbnails, but I like the sound of what you've described.

Love the end quote by Nolan.

Also loved your honesty here: "I grew up around a lot of tough men, and they never wasted words when they knew one look would suffice."

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Thanks Nathan. The Fall Guy is just such good fun. Like yourself I wasn’t expecting much but I just grinned all the way through. Hope you enjoy it 👍🏼

So, I’m publishing a story today that has a character shouting two words that my grandfather on my dads side used to shout at me and my brother when we were goofing around and when you heard that, you knew it was time to calm down, because he was a hard man who you did not want to get on the wrong side of and he most certainly didn’t need a long winded speech to prove why that was

Really appreciate all your kind words, Nathan. It’s good to have you back 🙂

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Jun 8Liked by Daniel O’Donnell

Ooh, sounds excellent. Look forward to it.

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Jun 16Liked by Daniel O’Donnell

I'll await your Eric review. I've seen it. That's all I'm saying.

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I have thoughts. I’ll say that so far. I should have published my review on Friday but instead was away watching Scotland getting humiliated at football by Germany 🙄 I’ll probably get to it on Wednesday or Thursday 👍🏼

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Jun 16Liked by Daniel O’Donnell

I enjoyed the nuances of The Gentlemen so much that I've watched it several times.

The more recent TV series, which allegedly isn't an origin story was, indeed, stale. Not a patch on the film. Richie should have left it alone. Alas, there will be a second series.

I haven't seen The Fall Guy yet, it didn't stay for long in the cinemas here. I'll catch it on streaming eventually, I imagine.

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So many people continue to recommend The Gentlemen movie so I’ll need to catch up with it

The Fall Guy is great and is now showing legs at the cinema so might not be the flop all the doomsayers we’re predicting

Thanks for reading, Caz 👍🏼

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Jun 16Liked by Daniel O’Donnell

Oh, you HAVE to see the film. Fab cast, lots of ridiculous accents, a convoluted script, the way Richie likes to do them, so much to love, a rollicking good time.

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I haven't watched the show, but The Gentlemen is a great movie. I didn't think Revolver was as bad as it was made out to be, though it was on the tedious/pretentious side. Also, RocknRolla is one of Guy Ritchie's best movies.

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Welcome back, Josh 😃

My friends who have watched the series and movie are still recommending the latter to me and it does have some decent actors in it so I might need to check it out but won’t promise anything! 😁

The other two, I just couldn’t get on board with at all. Even with the RocknRolla have Gerard Butler in it

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This was fantastic. I loved “The Fall Guy” back in the 80s, because I was obsessed with Lee Majors as “The Six Million Dollar Man” in the 70s. I owned all the action figures for that show (6MDM), which were much larger than Star Wars action figures at the time. They were dolls for boys, being modeled off the original G.I. Joe “action figures” from the late 60s and 60s. Now I want to see this “Fall Guy” remake with Ryan Gosling, but I’m currently living in a part of the Near East where those films are heavily edited and the originals can’t be seen without a VPN, so I may have to wait.

I used to love Guy Ritchie. “Lock Stock and Two Smokin’ Barrels” was my favorite. I do agree that there’s something pathetic about hailing back to that older style of storytelling. And the nod to “Breaking Bad” made me cringe just reading it.

I understand the aversion against the use of “modern audiences” as a blanket dismissal of contemporary art. But I also sort of get the criticisms coming from fans of franchises who are disappointed with the way reimaginings of the stuff they grew up on are being treated in many cases with little respect for the originals. I was huge Star Wars, Star Trek, Indiana Jones, and Lord of the Rings fan. But none of the more recent offshoots have resonated with me, except for Andor (I think it was), which I thought was sort of interesting—at least from the two episodes I saw. I contrast this with the brilliance of the new “Dune” films, which really felt like the writers/directors were very much in tune with the source materials.

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Thanks very much, Daniel 🙏

You have just reminded me of The Six Million Dollar Man and that definitely should have been on my list. We had one of those figures as well and I think, although I could be wrong, you could look through his eyes and it magnified stuff 🤔. I could just be making that up though!

I get what you’re saying about the new interpretations and can understand some peoples frustrations. However, the harsh reality is studios need to tailor their movies and shows to younger audiences as well. We, rightly or wrongly, are no longer the target market due to us getting older . Dune is interesting as it was hugely successful but I still read complaints about Chani’s expanded role being a “modern” interpretation and it took me back to the backlash over Arwen being in The Fellowship and being more warrior like compared to the book with that being a feminist update so it’s always been there

On Star Wars, I’m an outlier. I hated the prequels but my son’s favourite of all 9 is Revenge of the Sith so I have learned to appreciate them now through his eyes. On the TV shows, I really liked Obi Wan and Ashoka, thought Andor had great moments and enjoyed most of The Mandalorian. I’ve tried to watch the new one, The Acolyte, and it’s not very good but at least they’re moving away from the Skywalker saga as that tale has been done to death

Well, that was a long response 😁

Hope you manage to catch The Fall Guy soon, Daniel and thanks as always for your feedback 👍🏼

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It’s funny, because I meant to include the Star Wars prequels in the list of spinoffs that I’ve blanked. I saw each of them once, and have no interest in watching them again. And yet I tremendously enjoyed the Star Wars Christmas Special from the ‘80s. 😂

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That was a classic! 😁

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